Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School's Almost in Session

School's almost in session and my kids are beside themselves with anticipation. The countdown has been ongoing for a month. So much for Summer break being the best part of the year. We begin school next week and what we are studying is a surprise. I suppose the fact that our year is a secret has helped to build the excitement. I started talking about the adventure we were going to have this year and they immediately can't wait. I'm currently in the last stages of planning to ensure that they will be this eager for the entire year. What is the adventure? Check back next week for the posts about opening day that will reveal the learning adventure for the entire year. (There you go, a cliffhanger. Now you have to check back:)

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Tonya, I love hearing about all the fun things you do with your kids! I'll check back :)