Monday, December 1, 2008

Trim-A-Tree Family Home Evening

The kids were super excited for Family Home Evening tonight. First we sang Christmas songs and ate sugar cookies, then Jerry read a story from the New Era. Next, we decorated the tree, set up the Nativity, and the train around the tree. Levi said that this was the best Christmas ever. I guess we don't even need to get him presents then:)

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Looks great! We started decorating on black Friday and finished yesterday. Not because we have a ton of stuff, we've just been so busy! I'll post pics after we decorate the front with garland, we can't afford lights this year!The boys are constantly singing frosty and rudolph. We don't let the watch Christmas movies until December, so they were so excited to pull out those DVDs!

The kids look like they are having a great time decorating the tree. And you don't have to buy them presents this year then? That's awesome, lol. Don't think that'd go over well Christmas morning. Have a fun holiday season!